of the Year
ICARE rewarded our trajectory,
vision of the future and permanent
commitment to sustainable
to diversity
43% of CAP's Board of Directors
are women, CMP achieved gender parity
on its executive team and Siderúrgica
Huachipato appointed a female
workers' representative on the Board.

Fourth place
in the world,
in its sector
For the sixth consecutive year,
CAP Group is part of the Dow Jones
Sustainability Index (DJSI). In addition,
we have been included again in
the Sustainability Yearbook.

Sana Mente, the first TV show dedicated to
mental health, well-being and neuroscience,
will have new episodes in 2023,
after two successful seasons.

Remarks from the
Chairman and CAP's CEO

"CAP’s 100 years are just
around the corner,
and our responsibility is to project
our operation into different
possible futures."
CAP S.A. Board Chairman
April 2021 - May 2023

Commitment to

Generation of
added value

Local development
"For our vision of the future, we have identified a number of global trends that will have an effect on our businesses. The way and timing in which we approach them will define the CAP of the future decades. Standing out among these trends are the growing concerns for climate change and necessary industrial decarbonization - elements which, in turn, bring us great opportunities."
"We do different mining with added value in the North through Compañía Minera del Pacífico, committed steelworks with added value through Huachipato, efficient construction systems with diverse materials through CINTAC, with which, among other things, we expect to contribute to relieve the serious housing deficit in Chile."
"Our group privileges supply of goods and services of local suppliers, it mainly hires workers that reside in the regions where we operate, and it steadily moves forward in having greater diversity and inclusion in all levels of our endeavor."

“Our purpose and renewed
ambition inspire and drive us
to continue contributing
with Chile’s sustainable




Vision of
the future
"In the year’s last quarter, we carried out a strategic reflection that concluded with renewed commitments, a solid alignment with our operating companies’ strategies in terms of a new ambition: to be a Group that is recognized for its sustainable strategy, focused on the development of an industrial value chain based on decarbonization."
"In the 2022 period, relevant investments were materialized in all different segments of the business, adding up to almost, US$ 471 million. Here, we can highlight the progress in the pre-stripping of phase six in our Los Colorados Mine and sustainability projects, such as the progress on the prototype of the Green Hydrogen Pilot Plant in Huachipato, for the direct reduction of the mineral and future green steel production, and the start of the decarbonization project, replacing coal for natural gas in our Pellet Plant, Compañía Minera del Pacífico in Huasco."
"In terms of financial results, consolidated net profit as of December 31st 2022, reached US$ 226 million, while the EBITDA totaled US$ 910 million. By the end of 2022, CAP Group’s revenues reached US$ 3,006 million."
"Going back to our vision of the future, in 2023, CAP Group is looking at investments nearing US$ 500 million, around 30% of which will go to sustainability projects."