Commitment to
the Environment

Key environmental
figures 2023

Scope 1 emissions

1, ktCO2e

Scope 2 emissions


Scope 3 emissions

27, ktCO2e


GJ Total energy consumed

Water withdrawal chart

Aspect Unit 2022 2023
Total water withdrawn thoudand m3 86,320 86,257
Surface Water thoudand m3 46,742 42,580
Groundwater thoudand m3 2,408 2,399
Sea Water thoudand m3 18,622 18,110
Municipal water/water supplied by third parties thoudand m3 18,548 23,168
% of freshwater withdrawn in water-scarce areas % 57% 52%

, tons

Total waste generated


of non-hazardous waste


of waste recovered


Filtered Tailings Deposit (DRF):

In 2023, CMP was focused on the development of the Pellet Plant DRF, which has allowed a 28% reduction in fresh water consumption from the Huasco River to date since commissioning, compared to the previous year.

CMP continued its commitment to the decarbonization path and, in 2023, it executed the fuel alternatives analysis stage for the Pellet Plant Gasification project.

CMP presented in 2023 the first fleet of 100% electric buses for mining in the country and inaugurated the first electric bus terminal in the Atacama Region. The initiative contemplated the incorporation of 45 new electric buses powered by renewable energy.


Cintac SAIC's Maipú Plant has reduced municipal water consumption by 11.53% and 72.51% in the case of groundwater, thanks to the operation of a water recirculation system.

In 2023, Tupemesa prioritized recycling initiatives with authorized managers, which meant that 63% of the waste generated was recycled.

Throughout 2023 the first 4 hydroacoustic buoys were installed on the beach of Chungungo, La Higuera, aiming to monitor and map underwater noise to safeguard ocean wildlife.


In 2023, the plant that decreases the consumption of electrical energy for the production of oxygen required in the steelmaking process began operating, improving its energy performance.

Energy consumption management based on the reuse of gases generated as by-products of the steel production process and electricity supplied by Engie, made from 100% renewable sources. This allows maximizing the use of internal fuels to reduce external consumption.


Aguas CAP produces 7,951,300 m³ of desalinated water for the group's operations and sales to third parties, including the supply of drinkable water to the plants that serve the municipalities of Caldera and Chañaral