With the object of adjusting the report contents to stakeholder’s information needs and expectations, CAP developed a materiality process aligned to GRI standards. This document includes the following stages:
In order to identify the material aspects for CAP, different internal and external sources were considered, namely:
- The 33 standards considered by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, international reference framework for the preparation of sustainability reports.
- At internal level, interviews with maximum Group executives and from the different affiliates as well as the strategy and the company’s Sustainability Policies.
- Dimensions assessed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Chile for decision-making purposes by analysts and investors.
- The insight of specialists and leading-edge organizations on sustainability affairs, such as Consejo Minero, the International Council on Mining and Metals(ICMM), Globescan surveys and sectoral GRI indicators for mining and steel industries.
- The stakeholder’s feedback gathered through the ESG Survey and the review of the national press in 2017.
- The UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The following material aspects were identified through this process:
In order to identify the most relevant material aspects around which the sustainability report contents would be focused, CAP organized a Materiality Workshop attended by 8 important company officers. This activity was aimed to give each topic a hierarchy, considering the importance assigned to each of them by stakeholders and their impact and scope from a company approach. Based on the above results, CAP built a Materiality Matrix, where dimensions were arranged according to priority levels.