“Innovation is the only competitive advantage in the long term”
Almost a year after taking over the general management of the main mining-steel holding in the Pacific rim, Erick Weber P., Civil Chemical Engineer graduated from the Catholic University of Valparaiso and 41-year experience in the company, describes some of the upcoming challenges the organization will be facing as well as its enhanced focused on innovation.

Today, our main priority is placed on consolidating the profitability, costs and productivity of iron mining and diversifying into other minerals and markets. In the steelwork area, an assessment should be conducted of the activity and, at the same time, work on reconverting to other businesses while leveraging available assets. In 2017, the New Businesses Management was created and, therefore, one of the goals defined for 2018 is to pave the way for the expansion of new businesses in the new areas, be it port facilities, services, infrastructure and energy, among others.
Strengthening the strategic planning in all the company areas, align the team and streamline and implement action plans constitute another important priorities.
Which, would you say, are the most significant goals attained by CAP in 2017, both in business as well as in operational and organizational areas? From the date I took over, that is April 2017, I think that having achieved the Group’s operational and financial results in the face of a very volatile scenario was a major accomplishment. Likewise, we inaugurated new production plants in Tupemesa, Peru and we also reinforced CAP Development and New Businesses area.
On the other hand, 2017 was a very important year for CAP, as we were awarded different distinctions in areas such as safety, environment and labor. I would say it was an excellent year for the company’s reputation.
What is the role of sustainability and innovation in the business model you are working in and what is their importance?Sustainability and innovation represent essential and overarching pillars, especially in a context populated by better-informed communities, asking for more collaboration. In this sense, I would like to bring up a very eloquent premise and reflective of this situation: innovation is the only long-term competitive advantage; therefore, if we fail to innovate we will be mortgaging the mid and long term of our company.
What are CAP’s strategic priorities for 2018 in its main operations and businesses and what its goals for the coming years?Everything is important today. But, if I had to name some of them, I would mention people and organization; productivity and costs; technological changes and innovation; growth and diversification; reputation and clients, as the most relevant strategic priorities for the company.
2018 is seen as a breakthrough, transition year or a springboard into 2022 in the definition of the company’s strategic plan. Our goal is to continue to make significant and increasing contributions to the sustainable development of our country, diversify our businesses, expand them geographically, keep high satisfaction levels among clients, become an attractive place to articulate a vision of the future and achieve, or lay the foundations for, community recognition for the creation of shared value.
What are the elements or factors that differentiate the CAP Group from other similar companies or from other industries in Chile? The CAP Group culture represents our distinctive feature. The level of commitment among people and the good work climate are key factors. People are interested in joining the Group, a motivation not frequently seen in other companies which, for example, makes personnel turnover to be very low, as compared to the rest of the industry.
CAP is special. We strive to build an atmosphere of respect and trust which, for instance, accounts for the absence of labor strikes in the past decades while workers’ commitment, most of them unionized, becomes increasingly consolidated by the year.
Erick Weber P.