In order to determine the topics of greatest relevance to submit in this report, CAP conducted a formal process involving the senior management of the Group and all its companies.

As a first step, we identified the relevant issues arising from the following perspectives:

  • The internal perspective: interviews with the Senior Management of the Group and of issues arising from the Business Strategy, the corporate policies and diagnostics and risk matrix, among others.
  • The external perspective: relevant issues of rule 385 of Corporate Governance and DJSI (steel and mining industry), and the main issues arising in media concerning the Group, their companies and the sector.

The issues thus identified were analyzed in work meetings with the corporate governance team and with the companies, from which emerged those issues of greatest relevance to report, the audiences to which the report would be aimed at and the key messages to communicate.

In order to determine the issues of greatest relevance (importance and significance), topics were evaluated as a function of two variables: their potential impact on our business and their importance to our stakeholders.